Welcome to Imagica Productions.
William is a graduate of Boston University College of Communcations with a Bachelor of Science in Broadcasting & Film.
William has worked as a freelancer in film/television production since he was a teenager. At the age of 16, he was a production assistant for ABC News Radio at Live Aid Philadelphia in 1986.
While in High School, William worked with Stage Troupe as an actor, but also as a lighting director, set construction and photographer. His love for all things production led him to earn a degree from Boston University in Broadcasting and Film.
William has worked in all areas of production as a freelancer... including A.D., Grip, Electrician, Set Designer, Set Photographer and Director of Photography... even Craft Services and Catering.
William found a niche in Assistant Director Department early in his career which gave him the skills and experience to open his own production company, Imagica Productions, in 1992.
William is still happy to be involved in any aspect of production but has found his main passion as a Director and Director of Photography.
For more information and a complete resume and set of demo reels, visit his production company website at ImagicaProductions.com
Director Reels
Current Film Projects
- One In Six Chance
Writer/Director/Actor - Omicron Investigations
Writer/Director/Actor - Tuesday In The Park
Writer/Director - Are You Listening
Director Of Photography (2nd Unit) - Coffee
Shop Of The Damned
Writer/Director/Actor - The
Electric Hummingbird
Editor / Co-Exec. Producer / 2nd A.D.
Music Video & Commercial Samples
- Visitor 10 - StagNation
Music Video / Short Film - Jonathon
(aired on VH-1 Independent) - 16.5 MB - High Sierra Music Festival
Concert/Interview DVD - Odyssey Music Festival
Concert/Interview DVD - Bonnaroo 2001-2005
Concert/Interview DVD - Col.
Bruce Hampton
Live Concert Footage / DVD - Liz
Music Video - Aired on BET - Alison
Brown Quartet
Promotional Video - The
Performance Video - Lunch
Box Heroes
Video EPK -
Paramount Productions
TV Commercial